New York Is Back

And now, a poem:

Yesterday, I walked outside, saw a pigeon steal a snack;

Well, my friends, New York is back!

Went to do my laundry on Sunday, and the entire place was packed?

Don’t have to tell me twice — New York is back!

Found some pennies on the ground, they were even in a stack;

Don’t make any more wishes, folks — New York is back!

Caught a morning subway ride, when the sky was still black;

Get your own damn job, cause New York is back!

Ate a full street pizza slice, filled my heart with plaque;

All of a sudden got real hungry, now that Nee York is back!

Covered my face at subway Showtime!, afraid of getting whacked;

Put a dollar in this guy’s hat, cause New York is back!

Observed cars honk at nothing — still give each other flack; 

The good news is the light is green, cause New York is back.

Took in an upbeat, jukebox, Broadway show, although Jagged Little Pill is really about crack;

Anything Goes on that Great White Way, especially when New York is back!

Biked outside in October, around a park’s track; 

Throw away your Peleton, New York is back!

Fall foliage is in full swing, just get on an Amtrak;

No better way to leave the city, now that New York is back.

Too many unmasked people gave me a panic attack;

I’ll take my chances at home, but nice to see New York’s back!